Dehradun: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has given a big gift to the people of the state on the occasion of his birthday today, Monday 16 September. CM Pushkar Singh Dhami has announced to give 50 percent subsidy to the consumers who consume up to 100 and 200 units of electricity on this occasion. About 11.50 lakh consumers of the state will be able to avail the benefit of this subsidy. On Monday, a program was organized at Seva Sadan located at the Chief Minister’s residence in Dehradun for distribution of possession letters to the beneficiaries of the buildings built in Roorkee under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and laying the foundation stone of all the schemes of the Energy Department. During this, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami made a big announcement and said that the state government will give 50 percent subsidy to the consumers who consume up to 100 units of electricity every month in the plain and mountainous districts of the state.
50 percent subsidy on 200 units of electricity expenditure
Along with this, 50 percent subsidy will be given to the consumers who consume up to 200 units of electricity every month in the high Himalayan region. However, consumers with electricity connection up to 1 kilowatt will get the benefit of this facility. During the program, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and MD Finance of Pitkul laid the foundation stone of five projects.
Under all these five projects, construction work of 220 kV GIS substation Selaqui and its lines, construction work of 132 kV GIS substation Araghar and its lines, construction work of 132 kV GIS substation Lohaghat and its lines, construction work of 132 kV GIS substation Dhaulakheda and its lines and construction work of 132 kV GIS substation Khatima II and its lines will be done.
Electricity lines will be underground in major cities including Dehradun
UPCL projects work of installing 16 lakh smart meters in Garhwal and Kumaon region under the centrally funded RDSS scheme and under the Uttarakhand Climate Resilient Power Steam Development Project externally aided by ADB, the electricity lines of the main routes of Dehradun city will be made underground. CM inaugurated these projects worth about Rs 977 crore.
Along with this, the CM also handed over possession letters and keys to 101 beneficiaries of the buildings of Lakshmi Awas Yojana Shikarpur Roorkee built under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban. At the same time, CM Dhami said that the state government is working rapidly in every field for the sustainable development of Uttarakhand. The power projects whose foundation stone has been laid will improve the supply and distribution of electricity in the state. Along with this, industries will also get a boost in the state, which will increase employment. The system of energy supply will be improved with smart meters. Along with this, the billing related problems of the general public will also be resolved.