New Delhi: The anti-corruption branch of Delhi government has registered a corruption case against IAS officer Amarnath Talwade for pressuring a subordinate to collect money from liquor vendors. The case was registered based on a complaint filed by a Noida resident, which included an audio clip of a conversation between Talwade and the subordinate. The forensic examination of the audio clip concluded it to be authentic and un-doctored. Talwade has not commented on the case.
Following the recommendations of lieutenant governor VK Saxena, the anti-corruption branch (ACB) of Delhi government on Wednesday registered a corruption case against 2009 batch IAS officer Amarnath Talwade for allegedly pressurising a subordinate officer into collecting money from retail liquor vendors in the city.
Madhur Verma, joint commissioner of police (ACB), said the action was taken on the basis of a complaint filed by a Noida resident with the Directorate of Vigilance (DoV) on March 21 last year, along with a pen drive containing an audio clip of a purported conversation between Talwade and a subordinate regarding the “sharing of booty”.
Verma said the audio clip was sent to forensic sciences laboratory (FSL) in Rohini for forensic examination.
“The FSL has concluded the examination of the audio as ‘authentic’ and ‘un-doctored’… Accordingly, the ACB, on Wednesday, registered a case under section 13 (2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act,” he said.