New Delhi: In a recent development, the Government of India has released a list of officers who have been empaneled as joint secretary level officials. The following officers from various cadres have been included in the prestigious list:
- Ravi Shankar, IAS of 2007 batch (Gujarat Cadre)
- Remya M Moothadath, IAS of 2007 batch (Gujarat Cadre)
- Dilip Lumar Bhuraram Rana, IAS of 2007 batch (Gujarat Cadre)
- Sandip J Sagale, IAS of 2007 batch (Gujarat Cadre)
- Amit Saini, IAS of 2007 batch (Gujarat Cadre)
- Sachindra Pratap Singh, IAS of 2007 batch (Maharashtra Cadre)
- Ashwin Ashok Mudgal, IAS of 2007 batch (Maharashtra Cadre)
- Shriman Shukla, IAS of 2007 batch (Madhya Pradesh Cadre)
- Swati Meena Naik, IAS of 2007 batch (Madhya Pradesh Cadre)
- Swatantra Kumar Singh, IAS of 2007 batch (Madhya Pradesh Cadre)
- Anindita Mitra, IAS of 2007 batch (Punjab Cadre)
- Mohammad Tayyab, IAS of 2007 batch (Punjab Cadre)
- Adarsh Singh, IAS of 2007 batch (Uttar Pradesh Cadre)
- Chaitra V, IAS of 2007 batch (Uttar Pradesh Cadre)
- Prabhu Narain Singh, IAS of 2007 batch (Uttar Pradesh Cadre)
- Anurag Srivastava, IAS of 2007 batch (West Bengal Cadre)
- Manoj Kumar Meena, IAS of 2007 batch (Karnataka Cadre)
- Shruti Singh, IAS of 2007 batch (Chhattisgarh Cadre)
- A Mon Sreenivas, IAS of 2006 batch (Haryana Cadre)
- Dhananjay S Bhadoria, IAS of 2006 batch (Madhya Pradesh Cadre)
- Lokesh Kumar Jatav, IAS of 2004 batch (Madhya Pradesh Cadre)
- Alice Vaz R, IAS of 2005 batch (AGMUT Cadre)
This empanelment reflects the diverse representation of officers from different cadres, contributing to the governance and administration of the country at the joint secretary level.