DEHRADUN: Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday said the five-member panel has completed the draft report of Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and will soon hand it over to government. He added “on getting the report, an assembly session will be called and the process to implement UCC will start.”
Dhami had maintained the panel will submit the draft to government in Jan.
On the delay in implementation of UCC, he said the panel had ..
On the delay in implementation of UCC, he said the panel had to look into various aspects before finalising the report.
He said the UCC will provide a framework for marriage, divorce, land, property, inheritance for all citizens irrespective of their faith. “It will help bring social harmony, end gender-based discrimination,” he said.
In Feb 2022, Dhami announced the UCC will be implemented in the state if BJP is voted back to power in the assembly. In the first cabinet meeting in March 2022, an approval was given to a proposal. Once implemented, Uttarakhand would become the first state post-Independence to adopt the UCC. The panel received 2.3 lakh suggestions and held 60 meetings in which members interacted with 60,000 people.