Uttarkashi: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami conducted a grand road show in Uttarkashi Barkot. BJP State President Mahendra Bhatt also reached here along with the Chief Minister. During this, local people and women welcomed CM Dhami with flower showers.
After the road show in Barkot, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reached the beneficiary felicitation ceremony at Ramlila Maidan in Barkot village. BJP workers here performed Raso Tandi folk dance on the road to the beat of Dhol Damau with the party flag. Tehri MP Mala Rajya Laxmi Shah also reached the venue.
Policy is being decided according to the needs of the country and countrymen
Earlier on Monday also, Chief Minister Pushkar Dhami had come to participate in the beneficiary felicitation ceremony organized in Laksar town. During this, CM Dhami said that in the last 10 years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made the country a leader by running many welfare schemes in the country. Said that many educational institutions, technical schools, universities and IITs are being opened in the country to build the future of the young generation. Besides, many welfare schemes are being run for the welfare of poor, farmers, laborers and youth.