Dehradun: The Cabinet meeting was held at the Secretariat today under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. Premchand Aggarwal, Dhan Singh Rawat, Subodh Uniyal, Saurabh Bahuguna, Ganesh Joshi and Rekha Arya were present in the cabinet meeting. After the cabinet meeting was over, Secretary Shailesh Bagauli said that 11 proposals have been approved in the Dhami cabinet meeting. Among these proposals, Dhami Cabinet has approved the approval of Uttarakhand Service Policy, policy amendment for Lakhwar Multipurpose Project, organization of five-day Heli Darshan program.
Main points of Dhami cabinet meeting
- Approval of 100% reimbursement to dialysis centers under Atal Ayushman Yojana.
- Approval of Rs 630 crore for the post-work development project to be operated under the World Bank.
- Instructions to amend the policy prepared by the Energy Department for Lakhwar Multipurpose Project.
- Uttarakhand Service Policy approved. Policy prepared for the year 2030.
- Approval of service manual of Government Hotel Management, Pithoragarh.
- Approval to make Garhi Negi area of Kashipur a Nagar Panchayat.
- Under higher education, a scholarship of Rs 5,000 will be given to 100 research scholars studying in government schools.
- The requirement of B.Ed for primary teacher recruitment has been abolished. Teachers will be recruited under B.El.Ed.
- A five-day Heli Darshan program will be organized.
- Approval to give 300 bed hospitals of Harrawala and Haridwar on PPP mode.
- Under the UDAN scheme, Group B officers will also be given the facility of official travel through heli service within the state.