Dehradun: After registering a thumping win in all five Lok Sabha constituencies of Uttarakhand, chief minister (CM) Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday said that “Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi shares a special relationship with the state and it was people’s wish to see him serve the third term.”
“Uttarakhand has completely rejected Congress, its leaders and their baseless ideology.I hope this time the Opposition will not raise any questions on the EVM (electronic voting machine) and accept defeat,” Dhami told TOI, adding that “the initiatives taken by the BJP govt, particularly in terms of Char Dham and promoting tourism in the Kumaon region, have been personally overseen by the PM, which has yielded results in the polls.”
Regarding the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), Dhami noted that the people of Uttarakhand had already shown their support for the issue by voting BJP back into power in 2022. “It is an honour for us to have set a milestone by bringing UCC. People have appreciated the move. Be it anti-copying act or anti-encroachment drive, it has been appreciated by the people,” he added.
Dhami also criticised the Congress and its candidates for spreading misinformation and lies during the poll campaign. However, “the people of Uttarakhand are well aware of what is best for them and have witnessed the unwavering support of the PM and the BJP through various challenges. That’s why they have chosen us for the third consecutive time,” the CM asserted.