Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday reviewed the action plan and ongoing works being made to make Champawat district an ideal district at the Secretariat. The Chief Minister said that to make Uttarakhand an ideal state, Champawat district is being taken as a model district. Champawat is such a district which includes plains, Terai, Bhabar and mountainous areas according to the geographical conditions of the state.
The Chief Minister directed the officials to work expeditiously on the action plan being made for the ideal district Champawat. He said that along with development, heritage also has to be taken forward. The Chief Minister directed the officials to work in coordination between ecology and environment in the development works. Development work should be done along with the conservation of the heritage provided to us by nature. He said that according to the action plan made so far, the work should be implemented on the ground at a fast pace. The work should be expedited in a phased manner, it should be ensured that the results of the work are soon visible on the ground. He said that for Adarsh Champawat, the nodal officer should hold regular meetings with the district officials and implementing agencies. He said that suggestions should also be taken from the people at the local level for what better work can be done for Adarsh Champawat.
The Chief Minister said that there are many possibilities in the field of religious, spiritual and adventure tourism in Champawat district. In view of the convenience of the devotees and tourists coming to Champawat district, circuits should be made for a journey of three to four days. The number of devotees in Purnagiri is very high, arrangements should be ensured keeping in mind the convenience of the devotees. He said that Sharda Corridor and Champawat ISBT also need to be expanded. He said that special attention should be paid to the aspects related to the environment in the construction related works.
In the meeting, it was informed through presentation that a detailed action plan is being worked on to promote tourism, agriculture and horticulture, healthcare, education, milk and related products in Champawat district. To make Champawat an ideal state, work is being done on short, medium and long term plans till 2030. Planned work is being done to promote connectivity in the district, promote adventure tourism, create destination wedding hub, promote kiwi and milk production. The schemes being worked on for Adarsh Champawat will prove to be very effective in increasing the economy of the people at the local level in future.
District Magistrate Champawat Navneet Pandey said that special attention is being paid to ensure that every eligible person in the district gets the benefit of the public welfare schemes of the Central and State Government. There are many possibilities in the field of solar energy in Champawat district, special attention is being given in this direction. He said that migration from rural areas to urban areas is increasing in the district, keeping this in mind, special attention is being paid to town planning.
Chief Secretary Mrs. Radha Raturi, Additional Chief Secretary Anand Bardhan, Principal Secretary R.K. Sudhanshu, Secretary Shailesh Bagoli, S.N. Pandey, Special Secretary Dr. Parag Madhukar Dhakate, Director General of UCOST Prof. Durgesh Pant, Additional Secretary Jagdish Chandra Kandpal and officials of implementing agencies were present in the meeting.