Berinag: CM Pushkar Dhami’s wife Geeta Dhami reached Patal Bhuvneshwar on Friday on her tour of Pithoragarh district. Geeta Dhami inaugurated the plantation campaign organized by Forest, Horticulture Department and Vikas Khand. She distributed fruit saplings to women and villagers. Appealed to the people to plant trees to save the environment.
Gita Dhami did plantation
Gita Dhami appealed to protect the plants planted along with plantation. Asked the departments to also protect the planted plants. On this occasion, District Panchayat member Diwakar Rawal also submitted a five-point memorandum. Geeta Dhami also listened to the problems of women and local people.
Gita Dhami was presented with hilly grains
Earlier, CM Pushkar Dhami’s wife Geeta Dhami reached Chaukodi late in the night during her tour of the district. Here she was given a warm welcome by BJP workers. Geeta Dhami was presented with homemade rice, pithya, black bhatt, lentils, turmeric and Berinag tea by MLA Fakir Ram Tamta’s OSD Deepak Navelia at Chaukodi. On this, Geeta Dhami said that she likes hilly ration very much.
Tourists will get facilities in Patal Bhuvneshwar cave
Gita Dhami reached Patal Bhuvneshwar cave to visit. Chief priest Neelam Bhandari, president of Patal Bhuvneshwar Temple Committee, gave her a glimpse of the cave and also gave detailed information about the cave. On this occasion, Geeta Dhami also performed puja-archana. Geeta Dhami said that she is happy to visit Patal Bhuvneshwar cave for the first time. Tourists should come to visit the cave.
Patal Bhuvneshwar cave has been included in the Manas Corridor by CM Pushkar Singh Dhami. This will provide more facilities to tourists and devotees in future. On this occasion, Neelam Bhandari, president of the temple committee, submitted a memorandum to Geeta Dhami regarding various demands. On this, he assured to take immediate action. He said that he would come again to visit the cave with CM Pushkar Dhami. Geeta Dhami met the tourists who came to visit the cave and took selfies. Apart from this, Geeta Dhami also offered prayers at Mahakali Temple and Chamunda Temple in Gangolihat. On this occasion, she was welcomed by BJP workers. Former Nagar Panchayat President Vimal Rawal, outgoing Municipal Council President Jayshree Pathak, BJP City Mandal President Ramesh Bora, Krishna Bohra, Neema Paragai etc. were present on this occasion.