Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, through virtual medium from Uttarakhand Sadan in New Delhi, CM. During the review of the helpline, directed the officials that all the complaints received on the CM helpline should be resolved in a timely manner. Pending complaints should be resolved positively in the next 15 days. He has given strict instructions that the concerned departmental should seek clarification from those officers as soon as possible who have not logged in to the CM Helpline portal in the last one month. If satisfactory reasons are not given in the clarification, action should be taken against the concerned officers. The Chief Minister said that in the coming time, if such laxity is found towards the work of the departments, the responsibility of the concerned departmental secretary and head of the department will also be fixed. The Chief Minister directed that all the officers from the block level officer to the departmental secretary should themselves regularly communicate with the complainants for the resolution of public grievances. He said that work should be done with a sense of harmony through dialogue.
The Chief Minister directed all the District Magistrates to prepare a roster for the BDC meetings to be held in each block of their districts. In these meetings, 100 percent attendance of departmental officers related to development and officers of line departments should be ensured. In the BDC meetings, a roster of the duty of district level officers should also be made and they should be sent to the meetings. The District Magistrate and Chief Development Officer should also try to be present in every BDC meeting. The Chief Minister directed all the District Magistrates to organize Tehsil Diwas regularly. The District Magistrate, Chief Development Officer and other senior officers of the districts should regularly participate in Tehsil Diwas and solve public problems. Information related to the disposal of complaints on Tehsil Diwas should also be regularly uploaded on the Chief Minister Jan-Samarpan Tehsil Diwas portal.
The Chief Minister expressed displeasure over the complaints pending for more than 180 days. He directed the concerned departmental secretaries to resolve these complaints soon. The complaints related to the demand in these complaints should be mentioned separately. The Chief Minister said that the objective should not be to close the complaints, but to resolve the complaints. The Chief Minister said that regular training should be conducted as per the CM Helpline module. It should also be ensured that the concerned officer himself is present in the training. The Chief Minister said that all the departmental secretaries and department heads should do a departmental review of CM Helpline-1905 in the second week of every month and resolve the complaints promptly. The minutes of the review meetings should be uploaded regularly on the portal by all the departments.
During the meeting, the Chief Minister talked to the complainants of the complaints received on the CM Helpline over the phone. Out of the 07 complainants with whom the Chief Minister talked, the problems of 03 complainants have been resolved, while the Chief Minister assured to resolve the problems of 04 complainants soon.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister also launched the WhatsApp chatbot of CM Helpline. The Chief Minister said that people should be made aware of this through various social media platforms of CM Helpline.
Chief Secretary Mrs. Radha Raturi, Additional Chief Secretary Anand Bardhan, Principal Secretary R.K. Sudhanshu, Secretary R. Meenakshi Sundaram, Shailesh Bagoli, Dilip Jawalkar, Vinay Shankar Pandey, Ranjit Sinha, Brijesh Kumar Sant, Dr. R. Rajesh Kumar, Vinod Kumar Suman, Director ITDA Mrs. Nitika Khandelwal, heads of all departments and all District Magistrates were present in the meeting through virtual medium.