The President of India, Ms. Droupadi Murmu, reinstated a suspended IPS officer into the police service and transferred him from Goa to the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The concerned top cop, Dr. A Koan (2009-batch AGMUT cadre IPS officer), was suspended by President Murmu on August 16th, 2023, after the Goa Police filed a report with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) alleging that he had misbehaved with a tourist at a North Goa beach club.
According to the victim, a woman who was partying with her friends at the beach-facing nightclub in the Baga area on August 7th, 2023, the IPS officer allegedly “accosted the woman and passed objectionable remarks.” It must be mentioned that Officer Koan faces no corruption allegation, criminal proceeding or judicial inquiry.
Officer Koan’s suspension revoking order read, “The President, after considering the facts and current circumstances of the case, has come to the conclusion that continuation of the suspension of Dr Koan is no longer in the public interest and, therefore, his suspension may be revoked. And now, therefore, the President, in exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 3 of the All India Services (Discipline 8b Appeal) Rules, 1969, hereby revokes his suspension with immediate effect and reinstated him in service.”
Another statement followed, “With the approval of the Competent Authority, Dr. A Koan, is hereby transferred from Goa and posted to Andaman & Nicobar Islands with immediate effect and until further orders.”
President Murmu Reinstates Suspended Goa-based IPS Officer Into Service
- officersinfo
- July 13, 2024
- 6:04 pm