Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami told the young officers selected for the civil service that a new journey of their life is starting with this service. The sentiments of the entire society are attached to them. Their objective should be to carry forward the ideology of nationalism and strengthen the administrative system. Said, it is the responsibility of the young officers to bring change in the life of the person standing in the last row of the society through their responsibilities and give them a better future.
On Saturday, in the IRDT auditorium Survey Chowk, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, in collaboration with Sankalp Foundation, felicitated 22 selected participants of civil and forest services and their parents in the felicitation ceremony of the participants selected in the civil service of 2024. Appreciating the efforts of the Sankalp family, the Chief Minister said that this time 686 youths have been selected in the civil service by joining Sankalp. This is the result of the excellent guidance of Sankalp.
Former Chief Secretary Shatrughan Singh cautioned the future officers of the civil service and said that they should not fall prey to any misunderstanding. Quoting Kautilya’s economics, scientist Einstein and writer Shrilal Shukla’s thoughts, he said that civil service is not a means of earning money. They should try to give their best and focus on expanding the scope of studies of various subjects as well as on acquiring knowledge around them.
Sankalp’s trustee Santosh Pathak said that Sankalp Sanstha is not a coaching institute, but a means of helping people of the area deprived of better education. He said that through Gurukul, Sankalp is helping economically weaker youth in preparing for civil service. On this occasion, selected civil service officers Anshul Bhatt, Ritika, Romi Bijlavan, Sandeep Singh also shared their experiences. RSS Uttarakhand Pracharak Dr. Shailendra also addressed the program. ICFAI University Vice Chancellor Prof. Ram Kiran Singh, Doon University Vice Chancellor Dr. Surekha Dangwal and others were present in the program.