Dehradun: Producer-director Vipul Amritlal Shah, who is shooting for his upcoming Bollywood film ‘Hisab’ in Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand, along with his wife and actress Shefali Shah, met Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami at his residence. Vipul Shah has described the new film policy 2024 brought by the Uttarakhand government as film-friendly and thanked Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami for this film policy. He said that due to the new Uttarakhand film policy, shooting of films in Uttarakhand is going to get even more boost. In the meeting, he appreciated the simple shooting permission process under the single window system by the Uttarakhand Film Development Council (UFDC) and described Uttarakhand as a film friendly destination. He said that shooting a film here is very simple as compared to other states. There is an atmosphere of enthusiasm among the producers due to the new film policy of the state.
Shah informed that his new film stars Shefali Shah and actor Jaideep Ahlawat as the lead actors. This film is a comedy suspense film. More than 60% of the support crew was taken locally in the three-day shooting of this film. Chief Minister Dhami congratulated Vipul Shah and Shefali Shah for the success of this film and said that the government is committed to the development of every sector related to film production. Film production will promote new activities of direct employment in the state. Along with this, tourism of the state will get new strength. He also informed that the process of identifying new shooting destinations with the cooperation of the Tourism Department and promoting them for shooting has started. This will also promote relatively less famous tourist places of Uttarakhand through films.
During the meeting, Director General of Information Banshidhar Tiwari informed that the new film policy passed by the state government has included more grant amount for films, films and web series released on OTT platform have also been included for grant. Film Development Council CEO and Director General of Information Banshidhar Tiwari, Film Development Council Joint CEO and Joint Director of Information Dr. Nitin Upadhyay were also present in this meeting held at the Chief Minister’s residence.
Let us tell you that Vipul Shah is also a film producer and a famous director. His main films include Aankhen, Singh is the King, Namaste London, Namaste England, The Kerala Story, Bastar etc. Shefali Shah is currently in the headlines due to her lead role in the web series Delhi Crime. She has played important roles in many Hindi films.