Dehradun: On the complaint of over-rating at liquor shops, Dehradun DM Savin Bansal himself raided the liquor shops by posing as a customer late on Wednesday evening. The DM, who reached the liquor shop located on Rajpur Road, took a bottle of liquor from the shop. But the shopkeeper also gave the liquor bottle to the District Magistrate at over-rating. After this, DM Bansal also talked to the people present at the shop to buy liquor. Where people told that liquor is being sold at over-rating at liquor shops. After this, the District Magistrate imposed a fine of 50 thousand rupees against the liquor shop owner.
Over-rating in liquor shops in Dehradun is not stopping. Shopkeepers give liquor to customers at over-rate of 10 rupees to 20 rupees. At the same time, District Magistrate Savin Bansal was continuously receiving complaints of over-rating from liquor shops for the last several days. After which on Wednesday evening, the District Magistrate reached a liquor shop located on Old Mussoorie Road in his private car and bought a bottle of liquor by standing with the common customers as a customer. The shopkeeper, considering the District Magistrate as a customer, sold a bottle worth Rs 660 for Rs 680. After this, the District Magistrate also talked to other people standing in the liquor shop, everyone told that all the shopkeepers are selling liquor at over-rating. District Magistrate Savin Bansal said that after receiving complaints in liquor shops, raids were conducted in liquor shops. During the raid, irregularities along with over-rating were found in the liquor shop located on Rajpur Road. After which a fine of Rs 50 thousand has been imposed against the shop owner. Also, ADM and SDM raided several places simultaneously in the district. Where a challan of 75 thousand was issued at the liquor shop located at Chuna Bhatta, 75 thousand at the liquor shop located at Survey Chowk and 50 thousand at the liquor shop located at Jakhan for selling liquor at over rate. Over-rating and irregularities were found in all the shops, on which action is being taken. During the inspection, it was found that the behavior of the salesman was very rude towards the customers.