Dehradun: Under the zero tolerance campaign of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami against corruption, in three years, the vigilance has trapped a record 57 and sent 68 corrupt people to jail. This action against the corrupt has gained momentum after the launch of the corruption-free app 1064.
So far, about 973 vigilance and non-vigilance complaints have been registered on the app. Of these, vigilance investigation is going on on 38 complaints related to corruption, while complaints related to non-vigilance have been sent to the concerned departments.
Emphasis laid on the promotion of 1064 app
While a total of 303 accused were arrested in 281 corruption-related traps in 23 years of Uttarakhand, during the three-year tenure of the Dhami government, vigilance trapped a record 57 and sent 68 corrupt people behind bars.
More than 13 government employees and senior officials are also involved in this action of Vigilance. On the instructions of the government, Vigilance also emphasized on the promotion of 1064 app. From government offices to social media, people were made aware to complain about corruption on 1064.
Now this app is proving to be helpful not only for Vigilance but also for the common citizen. Through this app, common citizens are fearlessly teaching a lesson to bribe takers, lazy people and those who delay work unnecessarily.
Now there is no fear of going to Vigilance
Earlier people were not only afraid of going to Vigilance, but also used to avoid it. Governments also did not give free hand to Vigilance. This kept the morale of the corrupt high, but now after online complaints are registered, Vigilance is also forced to settle the complaint responsibly and on time. This is what happened in three years
Year Trap Arrest
2022 14 15
2023 18 20
2024 23 30
The government is working on the zero tolerance policy with strict action. Be it a small or big corrupt person, everyone is in jail. In Devbhoomi, the corrupt will not be spared under any circumstances. For this, the government has given instructions to take strict action against the corrupt by making the vigilance more resource-rich than before. I myself am monitoring and reviewing the work of the vigilance.
– Pushkar Singh Dhami, Chief Minister.