Roorkee: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reached Nagla Imarti village today and attended the Jan Milan ceremony organized by Kunwar Pranav Singh Champion. Meanwhile, a moment of silence was also observed on the demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. CM Dhami said that one lakh Lakhpati Didi has become and the target is one and a quarter lakh, which will be completed soon. He said that concrete steps have been taken against conversion, anti-riot, anti-copying, land jihad and spit jihad. Also, the CM announced to rename the Laksar-Roorkee road as Raja Balwant Singh Marg.
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that our government has today brought more than 30 new policies in various sectors to empower local industries and increase self-employment. This will increase investment in the state and the children of our house will get employment opportunities. Along with this, our government is taking forward many works to protect cultural values and demography to create peace in the state.
CM Dhami said that we have implemented the conversion law. Not only this, an anti-riot law has been made to prevent riots, uproar and arson. If anyone does arson, assault, vandalism and works to disrupt the peace in the state, then compensation for his loss will be ensured from the rioters.
CM Pushkar Singh Dhami said that we have made an anti-copying law and have made more than 19 thousand recruitments, in which no case of copying has come to the fore. Farmers are being given a loan of three lakh rupees without interest. 80 percent subsidy is being given on purchasing agricultural equipment under Farm Vasundhari Bank. Farmers are being given a bonus of Rs 20 on wheat purchase. At the same time, the sugarcane price has also been increased by Rs 20 per quintal. Irrigation from the canal has been made free for the farmers. CM Dhami said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has done the work of getting all the places associated with Baba Saheb recognized in the world. The general budget was increased for the welfare of SC and ST.