Dehradun: On the instructions of CM Pushkar Singh Dhami, a case has been registered against the person trying to tarnish the image of the government. On the basis of the complaint given by the Assistant Commissioner of Trade Tax Department regarding the viral fake appointment letter regarding the distribution of tobacco products in the state of Uttarakhand, a case has been registered against unknown person in Kotwali Dalanwala. After which the police is investigating the matter.
Let us tell you that on January 18, Rajiv Tiwari, Assistant Commissioner of Trade Tax Department Dehradun gave a complaint at Kotwali Dalanwala that the viral letter in which the work of purchase and distribution of tobacco products by the Uttarakhand government, the director of a Najafgarh Road Delhi company has been named as the state nodal agent for the purchase and distribution of tobacco products in the state. Also, a forged and fake appointment letter signed by Under Secretary Jagat Singh Rautela is being circulated in relation to the payment of Rs 25 lakh per annum to the state government by the company.
While no such letter has been issued by the Uttarakhand government. The said forged letter is being circulated to tarnish the image of the state government. Dalanwala police station in-charge Manoj Mainwal has said that based on the complaint of Assistant Commissioner of Trade Tax Department Rajiv Tiwari, FIR No. 11/25 Section- 318(4), 356(3) BNS vs Unknown has been registered at Dalanwala police station. Also, the police is investigating the matter and further action is underway in this regard. He said that strict action will be taken against whoever is found guilty in the case.