Who will be the new Chief Secretary of Uttarakhand? CS Radha Raturi’s tenure will end this month, buzz intensifies

Dehradun: Uttarakhand Chief Secretary Radha Raturi’s tenure is ending this month. With this, buzz for the new Chief Secretary has intensified. Next in the seniority list is 1992 batch IAS Anand Vardhan, who has also been empanelled at the Centre. However, he has said that he will serve here. After him, the names of Principal Secretaries L Fanai and RK Sudhanshu are also included in the seniority list.

In fact, the current Chief Secretary Radha Raturi has got extension of six months twice. Her tenure is ending on 31 March. The chances of getting extension for the third time are low. CS Raturi herself also does not seem interested. She has recently applied for the post of Chief Information Commissioner. After her departure, buzz for the vacant post has also intensified.

To become the Chief Secretary, one should have a minimum service period of 30 years. In terms of seniority, 1992 batch IAS Anand Bardhan is the only officer who is achieving this criteria. He has recently been empanelled for the post of Secretary at the Centre. However, he says that he will serve here only. Currently, Anand Bardhan is serving as Additional Chief Secretary.

In the seniority order, there are also 1997 batch Principal Secretary L Fanai and Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister RK Sudhanshu. They are yet to become eligible for the post of Additional Chief Secretary. The government has very limited options. It is expected that the name of the next Chief Secretary will be revealed by the end of this month.