New Delhi: In the run-up to 2024 Lok Sabha elections, it appears likely that Directorate of Enforcement may get a regular Director either by getting the interim chief Rahul Navin (IRS IT: 1993) regularised or by bringing a new regular incumbent.
For the last few weeks, name of Rahul Navin was doing rounds as the next regular Director of Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO); another key investigating agency. SFIO is functioning under an ad hoc arrangement (till January 2024) since July 2022 when Keshav Chandra (IAS: 1995: UT) was prematurely repatriated to his Cadre as Chief Secretary of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
This murmuring gives rise to further speculation which appears logical that the ruling dispensation may fill up the vacant but important seats of power with a regular incumbent. This is to recall that ahead of S K Mishra’s (Retd IRS IT: 1984) term coming an end in the middle of September last year, two names did rounds prominently as his likely successor — Nitin Gupta (IRS IT: 1986) and Pravin Kumar (IRS IT: 1987) who are serving as Chairman and Member CBDT, respectively.
Interesting to recall that the guess work started when Nitin Gupta was, in September 2023, re-engaged as CBDT Chairman on a contract-basis for a remarkably brief period of nine months tenure ending 30 June 2024 when the new/next government would have taken over the reign the Centre after 2024 LS Polls.
In the backdrop of source-based information pouring in about ED getting a regular incumbent before 2024 Lok Sabha elections are announced, it remains to be seen whether the New Delhi dispensation decides to go with an interim arrangement or comes up with a regular appointment before it seeks mandate for third consecutive term at Centre.