Big news about UCC, report will be made public on July 12, preparations to implement in October

Dehradun: The Uttarakhand government has accelerated the process of implementing the Uniform Civil Code in Uttarakhand. It is expected that the Uniform Civil Code will be implemented in Uttarakhand by the month of October. At present, the committee formed to prepare the UCC manual has almost completed the work. Also, the process of preparing the high portal is in the final stage. After the UCC manual is ready, the state government will move forward towards implementing UCC in the state. Before that, the Uttarakhand government is going to make the report of the Uniform Civil Code public.

In fact, the committee constituted under the chairmanship of former Chief Secretary Shatrughan Singh to prepare the Uniform Civil Code manual will make the report of the Uniform Civil Code public on Friday. The UCC report will be uploaded on the UCC website and made public. The UCC report will be uploaded on the UCC website in both Hindi and English. So that the public can easily understand the UCC.

While talking to the media, Shatrughan Singh, the chairman of the committee formed to prepare the UCC rules, said that the UCC report will be made public on Friday. Committee member and social worker Manu Gaur said that many people are getting queries regarding the UCC report. Also, RTI was also sent by many people for this report. Due to which it has been decided to make the UCC report public before implementing the UCC. The report of Uniform Civil Code will be made public on Friday i.e. 12th July.

Main provisions of UCC

  • With the implementation of Uniform Civil Code, social evils and bad practices like child marriage, polygamy, divorce will be curbed in the society.
  • The culture, beliefs and customs of any religion will not be affected by this law.
  • UCC will protect child and women rights
  • Registration of marriage will be mandatory. If registration is not done, the benefit of government facilities will not be available.
  • Second marriage while the husband and wife are alive will be prohibited.
  • The minimum age of marriage in all religions is 21 years for boys and 18 years for girls.
  • If one person in a married couple changes his/her religion without the consent of the other person, then the other person will have the right to divorce that person and get alimony.
  • At the time of divorce or domestic dispute between husband and wife, the custody of a child up to 5 years of age will remain with the mother of the child.
  • Husband and wife will have equal right to divorce in all religions.
  • Son and daughter will have equal property rights for all sections in all religions and communities.
  • The practice of Halala and Iddat prevalent in the Muslim community will be banned.
  • There will be no difference between legitimate and illegitimate children for property rights.
  • Illegitimate children will also be considered biological children of that couple.
  • After the death of a person, his wife and children will get equal rights in his property.
  • The property rights of a child growing in the womb of a woman will be protected.
    Registration will be mandatory for live-in relationships.
  • Children born during live-in will be considered legitimate children of that couple. That child will get all the rights like a biological child.