Bharadisain: CAG report was presented in the House on the second day of the ongoing monsoon session of the Assembly in Bhararisain. This CAG report on the financial management of the state for the year 2022-23 was tabled in the House by Finance Minister Premchand Aggarwal. According to the CAG report, Uttarakhand’s GDP has increased.
Key points of CAG report: According to the CAG report, Uttarakhand’s GDP has increased by 6.71 percent. According to the report, the GDP increased from 230,314 crores in the financial year 2018-19 to 302,621 crores in the year 2022-23. In the last 5 years, GDP grew at an average growth rate of 6.71. Committed expenditure on salaries and pensions in the state increased at a rate of 5.78 in the last years, but there was a sudden jump in it in 2022-23. Due to this, there was an increase of 8.77 percent in the committed expenditure.
Questions on paying interest: CAG has also raised questions on the interest liability of the state. The CAG report says that in the financial year 2022-23, the government had to pay 122 crores in interest. But the government paid 244 crores in interest. Due to this, the government suffered a fiscal deficit of 121 crores. According to the CAG report, the state still has a loan of more than 72 thousand crores. However, the good thing is that after 2021-22, it has declined.
The state has so much loan: According to the CAG report, the state had a loan of 58 thousand crores in the financial year 2018-19. In the financial year 2019-20, the state had a loan of 65 thousand crores. This loan increased to 71 thousand 435 crores in 2020-21. For the first time, there was a decline in the year 2021-22 and the loan decreased to Rs 71 thousand 374 crore.