The review of the Indian Police Service (IPS) cadre in Telangana is currently under active consideration, according to Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Nityanand Rai. In a response to a question raised by Bhongir MP Chamala Kiran Kumar Reddy in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, Rai acknowledged that Telangana’s cadre review has been pending since 2021. However, he stated that it is not feasible to provide a definite timeline for the completion of the process.
The Minister confirmed that Chief Minister Revanth Reddy had submitted multiple proposals regarding the cadre review, including requests for an increase of 29 IPS posts to address the state’s growing security needs. These proposals were submitted in 2021, as well as in January, August, and October of this year. Additionally, Rai mentioned that 49 IPS officers have been appointed to the state since 2021.
Reddy had sought clarification on whether the Ministry was aware of the ongoing delay in the review and the specific request for additional IPS posts. In his reply, Rai explained that the central government typically conducts a review of IPS cadre strength and composition in consultation with state governments and makes adjustments as necessary. The last cadre review for Telangana was carried out in 2016.