Chhattisgarh: Senior IPS Santosh K Singh Awarded Doctorate for Research on UN Peacebuilding

2011 batch Senior IPS officer of Chhattisgarh cadre, Mr Santosh Kumar Singh who is current Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in Raipur, has achieved a significant academic milestone. Hemchand Yadav University in Durg has conferred upon him a Doctorate degree for his research on the peace efforts of the United Nations.

Mr Singh’s dissertation, titled ‘United Nations Peacebuilding Commission: Assessing its Role and Functions’ critically examines the UN’s peace-building initiatives. His research was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Sunita Mishra, Head of the Department of Political Science at Government Naveen College Bhilai, and Dr. Pramod Yadav, Head of the Department of Political Science at Seth RCS Arts and Commerce College, Durg.

In his research, Singh argues that to achieve lasting peace in post-Cold War conflict zones, the international community must shift focus from mere peacekeeping and establishment to robust peace-building efforts. His findings suggest that the UN Peacebuilding Commission’s missions have significantly enhanced global peace initiatives, highlighting the need for a deeper commitment to peace-building strategies.

The research presentation took place at the university’s Tagore Hall, with Vice Chancellor Dr. Aruna Palta, Registrar Bhupendra Kuldeep, and several external examiners from Vikram University Ujjain, including Dr. Gopal Krishna Sharma and Dr. Anjani Shukla, in attendance.

Mr Singh’s doctoral thesis is expected to contribute significantly to the understanding of UN peace-building efforts, an area that has gained prominence in global peace initiatives. His work will be a valuable resource for policymakers, practitioners, and students, particularly in enhancing knowledge about sustaining peace in conflict-affected regions.

In addition to his recent achievement, Mr Singh holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, and an MPhil in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi. His academic contributions include research on the participation of developing countries in the UN Security Council, with several papers published in both national and international journals.

Mr Singh’s research highlights India’s strong commitment to global peace efforts, reflected in its status as the third-largest contributor of peacekeepers and its participation in 49 peace missions since 1950. His doctoral work promises to further enhance the understanding of essential elements required for achieving durable peace, both internationally and domestically.