Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has directed the officials to take action at a fast pace for the formation of Chardham Management Yatra Authority. Along with this, he also directed to prepare an action plan soon on how to increase the carrying capacity in Yamunotri Dham.
He gave these instructions in a meeting held at the Chief Minister’s residence on Thursday. In the meeting, the Chief Minister said that the scope of the Chardham Yatra Management Authority will not be limited to Chardham only, but the responsibility of managing all types of travels in the state will also come under the said authority. He said that the main objective behind the formation of the authority is that in view of the increasing religious and general tourism in the state, we should have such an institution which can discharge all these responsibilities and preparations well. The Chief Minister said that due to the far-sighted vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a large number of devotees are reaching the state today. Especially in this year’s travel season, the fact has emerged prominently that the number of pilgrims in Gangotri and Yamunotri Dhams has doubled. In such a situation, concrete work should be done in the direction of how the carrying capacity of Yamunotri Dham i.e. the accommodation facilities there, hotels, guest houses etc. should be increased. It is known that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami have been continuously trying for the development of Char Dhams and it is the result of this that various development works are being done under the master plan in Badrinath Dham and Kedarnath Dham. Also, after the construction of the all-weather road, the journey to the Char Dhams has become more smooth and safe.
Explore the possibility of operating the Char Dham Yatra from Kotdwar, remove the obstacles of ropeway
The Chief Minister said that the Char Dham Yatra is currently mainly operated from Rishikesh, but due to the arrival of a large number of passengers here, the problem of jam has also increased. The Chief Minister said that the possibility of conducting the Char Dham Yatra from Kotdwar should also be explored. The Chief Minister directed the officials to complete the tender process for the construction of ropeways for Kedarnath Dham, Hemkund Sahib and Yamunotri Dham soon.
1200 crore project to promote tourism in Tehri Lake and surrounding areas
ADB has approved an infrastructure project worth Rs 1200 crore to promote tourism in Tehri Lake and surrounding areas. He directed to speed up its tender process. The Chief Minister said that with the arrival of this project, tourism will increase rapidly in the area around Tehri Lake. This will make this lake a centre of attraction even more. The Chief Minister also directed to promote tourism up to Pauri district headquarters so that more and more people can reach here and this area can also be directly connected to tourism.