Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reached the famous Siddhpeeth Surkanda Devi Temple on Thursday. The Chief Minister, after visiting Maa Surkanda Devi and duly worshiping, wished for the happiness, prosperity and well-being of the country and the state and also did parikrama of the temple.
The Chief Minister interacted with the devotees and inquired from them about the journey. The devotees were very happy to see the Chief Minister among them and they also took selfies with the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister talked to the local shopkeepers and enquired about their well-being. The Chief Minister also purchased local material produced by the women of the local self-help women’s groups.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, the Chief Minister said that the winter pilgrimage has started in Uttarakhand. In which devotees are coming in large numbers. Uttarakhand is Devbhoomi. Every temple in the state has its own importance. He said that all the major temples of the state are being prepared for the winter pilgrimage and preparations have been completed at most of the places, the effect of which can be gauged by looking at the number of devotees today.
During this, SSP Ayush Aggarwal, ADM A.K. Pandey, ASP J.R. Joshi and other dignitaries and devotees were present.