Chief Secretary Radha Raturi reviewed the preparations for the upcoming Chief Secretary Conference, feedback notes have to be sent to the Planning Department by 20 September

Dehradun: Chief Secretary Radha Raturi has given a deadline to the nodal officers for the upcoming Chief Secretary Conference to send their feedback notes on manufacturing, services, rural non-agriculture, urban development, renewable energy and circular economy to the Planning Department by 20 September. Along with this, the CS has given time till 25 September to send notes to the government regarding a particular state. The Chief Secretary has directed all IAS, PCS officers as well as department heads and departmental officers to prepare feedback notes by taking feedback from their field officers. He has instructed the District Magistrates in the districts to ensure active participation of their subordinates and field officers while preparing feedback notes. CS Raturi directed that special attention should be paid to the following indices especially in the districts (Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar) coming under the Aspirational Districts Program of NITI Aayog.

It was informed in the meeting that the state has nominated nodal officers in view of the preparations for the fourth Chief Secretary Conference to be held in the month of November. As per the 6 themes set by NITI Aayog for the fourth Chief Secretary Conference, nodal officers have also been nominated for each theme. The nodal officers of the state have participated in various meetings organized by the central nodal ministries. A total of 182 feedback notes have been received so far.

Chief Secretary Radha Raturi reviewed with the government and all the District Magistrates regarding the preparations for the fourth Chief Secretary Conference to be held in November. Additional Chief Secretary Anand Bardhan, Secretary R Meenakshi Sundaram, Radhika Jha along with all the secretaries and District Magistrates were present in the meeting through virtual medium.