Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has given instructions to open the blocked roads in various districts of the state within two days. Also, the roads which cannot be opened in two days, have been asked to provide its report along with the reason to the Secretary Disaster Management and Rehabilitation. The Chief Minister has made it clear that the blocked roads should be opened soon and negligence in this regard will not be tolerated at all. Strict action will be taken against the officers who are negligent.
On the instructions of the Chief Minister, Secretary Disaster Management and Rehabilitation Vinod Kumar Suman held a meeting with the officials of all the districts on Monday regarding the closed roads in various districts of the state and directed to make all the blocked roads smooth as soon as possible. During this, he reviewed the closed roads in all the districts one by one and asked the officials of the concerned department for the time line to open the roads. After the instructions of the CM, the Secretary Disaster Management and Rehabilitation discussed in detail with the Nodal Officers of all the districts, Executive Engineers of Disaster Management, PWD, PMGSY, NH, BRO and District Disaster Management Officers from the State Emergency Operations Center located at USDMA regarding the opening of the blocked roads. During this, he understood the practical difficulties in opening the roads and also resolved them on the spot.