Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday flagged off 06 forensic lab vehicles under the Home Department at the Chief Minister’s residence. Each forensic lab vehicle costing Rs 65 lakh has drug deduction kit, explosive kit, finger print kit, foot print kit, DNA kit, fridge, generator, cyber security related software, video camera and other facilities. Through these forensic lab vehicles, primary examination of any criminal incident will be possible on the spot.
In the first phase, these forensic lab vehicles are being sent to Dehradun, Haridwar, Nainital, Udham Singh Nagar, Nainital, Almora and Srinagar. Later this arrangement will be made for all the districts. The state has received an amount of Rs 3.92 crore from the Central Government for these vehicles.
On this occasion, Cabinet Minister Rekha Arya, MLA Dilip Rawat, Home Secretary Shailesh Bagauli, ADG and Director Forensic Science Lab Amit Kumar Sinha, Joint Director Dr. SK Sharma, Deputy Director Dr. Manoj Agarwal, Dr. Pan Singh, Expert Dr. Dayal Sharan, Scientist Dr. Monica and Dr. Rakesh Kumar were present.