Dehradun : Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday gave financial approval of Rs 579.11 lakh for the protective work plan to protect the main mound of Garjia Devi temple located in Ramnagar development block of Nainital district from the flood of Kosi river under disaster management, the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) said.
Along with this, the Chief Minister has also given consent for upgrading Nagar Panchayat Purola of Uttarkashi district as a third-class municipal council.
The Chief Minister has also approved the proposal to upgrade Nagar Panchayat Kaladhungi, District Nainital as a third-class municipal council.
At present, the estimated population of Nagar Panchayat Kaladhungi is more than 18000. In this regard, the Chief Minister was earlier authorized by the Cabinet to give approval.
Earlier in the day, Dhami formally inaugurated the air service of Alliance Air starting from Delhi to Pithoragarh at the Camp Office, Dehradun. (ANI)