Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, during a high-level meeting at the Chief Minister’s residence, directed the officials to pay special attention to security arrangements and traffic management in view of the increase in the number of tourists on the arrival of the New Year. The Chief Minister directed the officials to make proper traffic management to prevent traffic jams and accidents during the new year. Additional police force will be deployed to streamline traffic at tourist places. Police force deployment should be increased to ensure security at public places and major roads at night, so that no untoward incident occurs. The Chief Minister has directed to take strict action against those who drive under the influence of alcohol, drive at high speed and violate other traffic rules. He said that technical measures should be used to the maximum to monitor incidents under traffic and security arrangements.
Principal Secretary R.K.Sudhanshu, Secretary Dr. R. Meenakshi Sundaram, Vinay Shankar Pandey, Additional Director General of Police A.P. Anshuman and Vice President MDDA Banshidhar Tiwari were present in the meeting.