Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Friday inaugurated 168 crib centers in the state for the dependent children of registered construction workers. During the program organized at the Chief Minister’s Camp Office, he also distributed 60 computers from CSR funds to the Labor Department and Employees State Scheme Offices. The Chief Minister flagged off a truck carrying track suits, shoes and food items for 432 workers working in various projects in the Kedarnath area.
The Chief Minister said that under the able leadership and guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, our government is continuously working for the welfare of the workers. With these efforts, the standard of living of the workers is improving and their social status is also getting strengthened.
MLA Khajan Das, Savita Kapoor, Labor Commissioner Deepti Singh, Director Women Empowerment and Child Development Prashant Arya were present on this occasion.