Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Saturday listened to the problems of people coming from different areas of the state at the Chief Sevak Sadan located in the Chief Minister Camp Office. He instructed the officials to resolve public problems quickly. He instructed the officers posted in the camp office that for quick resolution of public problems, public complaints should be sent to the concerned departments as soon as possible and information about the action taken by the department on the complaints and problems should be taken.
The Chief Minister directed that public problems should be resolved quickly and it should be ensured that people do not have to face unnecessary problems to solve their problems. People coming from different areas of the state presented problems related to roads, drinking water, health, financial assistance and other problems before the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister said that many efforts have been made by the state government for quick disposal of public problems. Efforts have been made to provide most of the services to the people sitting at home. The Chief Minister assured the people of early resolution of their problems.