Haridwar: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Sunday participated in the inaugural session of ‘Akhil Bharatiya Goshthi’ organized by Sanskrit Bharati at Vyas Mandir, Bhupatwala, Haripurkalan, Dehradun. On this occasion, he prayed at the Ved Vyas temple and wished for peace and happiness in the state.
Welcoming the people from all over the country to Devbhoomi Uttarakhand in the seminar, the Chief Minister said that every member of Sanskrit Bharati is playing an important role in the promotion of Sanskrit language. It is the pride of the state that Devvani Sanskrit is the second official language of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand. Sanskrit language is a means of expression and also the key to the complete development of man. Human civilizations have developed from Sanskrit language. Rigveda was also written in Sanskrit. Today this language has become a means of expression on a large scale in other fields of literature as well. The Chief Minister said that the state government is taking several initiatives to preserve and promote the Sanskrit language as much as possible. During the assembly session held in Gairsain, the Sanskrit Education Department organized a Sanskrit conversation camp and motivated all ministers, MLAs and officials to speak Sanskrit. Under the National Education Policy 2020, Sanskrit schools are being started from class 1 to 5 in the state. Efforts are underway to write the boards located at all bus stations, railway stations, airports in Sanskrit along with Hindi.
The Chief Minister said that all the Vedas, Puranas and scriptures of the history of Sanatan culture and the Vedic period have been composed in Sanskrit. Sanskrit language is eternal and infinite. He said that texts related to every field from literature to science, religion to spirituality and astronomy to surgery have been written in Sanskrit. Thousands of years ago, Indians had gathered information about the Panchang, planets and constellations due to their excellent knowledge.
The Chief Minister said that the number of vowels and consonants in Sanskrit is higher than in other languages. Sanskrit is the only language in which the meaning of the sentence does not change if the words are placed before or after the sentence. He said that the vocabulary of Sanskrit language is also very vast. He said that 1000 names of Lord Vishnu are written in Vishnu Sahasranama, similarly there are Lalita Sahasranama and Shiva Sahasranama. It is possible only in Sanskrit that a name has a thousand synonyms.
The Chief Minister said that many words of many European languages seem to be influenced by Sanskrit. Sanskrit is a very rich, simple and practical language. He said that due to the rule of foreign invaders for many centuries, we have started moving away from Sanskrit language. We have to unite and try to bring our original language Devvani Sanskrit back into the mainstream. He said that this program will definitely leave a positive impact in this direction. He said that Sanskrit Bharati is working to promote Sanskrit in India as well as many other countries to make Sanskrit a common spoken language again.
On this occasion, President of Parmarth Niketan Swami Chidananda Saraswati Maharaj, Prof. Gopabandhu, Dinesh Kamat, K. Srinivas Prabhu, Janaki Tripathi, and others were present.