Dehradun: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, while reviewing CM Dashboard ‘Darpan 2.0’ at the Secretariat on Monday, directed the officials to connect all departments to the CM Dashboard and also upload data of ongoing projects of all departments. He directed all departments to update the projects in the portal within 15 days. Departments will have to upload the data of the previous month by the 7th of every month. The Chief Minister said that along with CM Helpline 1905, he will also review the CM Dashboard every month.
The Chief Minister directed the secretaries that all the secretaries should hold a meeting related to CM Dashboard of their department every month. He said that it should be ensured that all the portals being made should be user friendly. The presentation of data in the dashboard should be done in a better way. The Chief Minister said that the main objective of the CM Dashboard is to solve public problems. Through this dashboard, the departments should identify the problems and find solutions to them to solve the public problems.
The Chief Minister directed that work should be done rapidly towards the welfare of the poor, welfare of the youth, farmers and women empowerment. The results of the work being done in these areas by the concerned departments should be visible on the ground. The Chief Minister said that the flagship scheme of the Central and State Government should be compulsorily shown in the dashboard. The Chief Minister directed that all the projects worth more than 05 crores should be shown in the PM Gatishakti Uttarakhand portal. The Chief Minister said that along with the CM dashboard, the DM dashboard should also be brought on the ground.
The Chief Minister said that continuous efforts should be made to connect the youth with employment in the state. The departments related to employment and self-employment should organize workshops with mutual coordination, in which subject experts should also be included. He said that along with higher education, we have to connect the students with vocational education and skill development. Along with placement cells in higher educational institutions, medical colleges and technical education, arrangements for guidance and counseling for the students should also be ensured. Such an effective system should be made that how many candidates applied for placement during higher education and how many got the job. Special attention should be given to the skill development of the youth.
Vice Chairman Infrastructure Monitoring Committee Vishwas Dabur, Chief Secretary Mrs. Radha Raturi, Principal Secretary R. K. Sudhanshu, L. Fanai, Special Chief Secretary Amit Sinha, Chief Forest Conservator Dr. Dhananjay Mohan, Secretary R. Meenakshi Sundaram, Shailesh Bagoli, Nitesh Jha, Mrs. Radhika Jha, Dilip Jawalkar, Dr. B.V.R.C. Purushottam and other senior officers were present in the meeting.