Gopeshwar: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami was on a one-day visit to Chamoli on Wednesday. He first reached Chamoli district headquarters Gopeshwar, where BJP workers welcomed him by showering flowers. After this he did a road show from bus stand Gopeshwar to the venue of the event, Police Ground. A huge crowd gathered at the Chief Minister’s road show. A large number of people showered flowers at various places and gave him a grand welcome. Thousands of BJP workers and local people gathered in CM Dhami’s Gopeshwar road show. During the road show of about one kilometer, CM Dhami greeted the people of Chamoli and appealed to vote in favor of BJP for the Lok Sabha elections. During this, people welcomed CM Dhami by showering flowers from the rooftops of their houses.
The Chief Minister expressed gratitude to all the people involved in the road show. Along with CM Dhami, Rajya Sabha MP and Uttarakhand BJP President Mahendra Bhatt, Garhwal MP Tirath Singh Rawat, Tharali MLA Bhupalram Tamta, Karnaprayag MLA Anil Nautiyal were also present in the road show. At the police ground, the venue of the program, Chief Minister Dhami talked about the ambitious schemes run by the government. Equalized the beneficiaries. In which the main beneficiaries were Fisheries Department, Development Department and Atal Awas Yojana. During this, the Chief Minister inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of a development plan worth Rs 229 crore for the district.
During this, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami while addressing said that the Central and State Governments are continuously working on self-employment women empowerment. The result of which is that today crores of women across the country are becoming ‘Lakhpati Didi’ by working in the field of self-employment. He said that the crowd gathered during the road show is reflecting that the people-people double engine of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand is working towards public welfare of the government. Ready to seal the policies.