DEHRADUN : Chief secretary Radha Raturi has directed officials of all departments to work with a sense of ownership. She told the officials to provide the information sought by the 16th Finance Commission within a set deadline to the Finance department. Chairing a meeting in the secretariat on Thursday for preparation of the 16th Finance Commission memorandum, Raturi requested the commission to include report on the revival of water sources and springs of the State, reconsider recovery guidelines for Uttarakhand as a disaster prone State, impact on financial resources and other schemes due to excessive pressure on the State’s facilities from the resident population and floating population resulting from tourism and to consider proportion of forest area and points related to strengthening power infrastructural facilities in the State. The finance commission agreed to consider including the report on the rejuvenation of water sources and springs in the State.
It is pertinent to mention here that the 16th Finance Commission EY DK Srivastav is to hold meetings till June 19 with officials of various departments in the State to prepare the memorandum for the 16th Finance Commission and for estimation of the budget.
Additional chief secretary Anand Bardhan, secretaries Shailesh Bagauli, Dilip Jawalkar and other departmental officials concerned were also present in the meeting.