Dehradun. After the end of the code of conduct for the Lok Sabha elections in the state, a major administrative reshuffle can be seen. The way incidents of forest fires increased in the state at the beginning of summer and the Chardham Yatra became uncontrolled in the beginning, the government was not very happy with it. In such a situation, it is believed that the government can now change the charge of officers from districts to the secretariat level.
In view of the Lok Sabha elections in the state, the government had changed the charge of a large number of officers in line with the instructions of the Election Commission of India. Many officers of the secretariat also came under this purview. Due to the code of conduct being in place, new work could not be started in the state. During the code of conduct period, forest fires spread rapidly in the state. Even the help of the army had to be taken to handle it.
The condition of Chardham Yatra also remained bad
Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami left his election tour midway and came back and gave guidelines to control the forest fire. The same was the situation of Chardham Yatra. After the start of the Yatra, all the arrangements were dwarfed by the enthusiasm of the devotees. Here too the Chief Minister had to intervene and come forward to make arrangements. Due to these incidents, the administrative working style came under question, but due to the code of conduct, the government could not make administrative changes during this period.
Now when the code of conduct is about to end, the government has the challenge of speeding up the development work as well as improving the system. Obviously, for this, it would like to deploy such officers in the concerned departments, who can speed up the work as per the government’s expectations. In such a situation, it is believed that soon the government can make major changes in the responsibilities of officers from districts to the secretariat.