Dehradun: The efforts of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami have borne fruit. Central approval has been received for direct air service from Dehradun to three major cities of the country, Ayodhya, Amritsar and Varanasi. All three services will be launched on March 6. Chief Minister Dhami has expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia for the approval of all three services.
On the inauguration day, the plane will take off from Dehradun for Ayodhya at 9-40 am and reach Ayodhya at 11-30 am. On the same day, a flight will take off from Ayodhya at 12-15 pm and reach Dehradun at 01-55 pm.
Dehradun-Amritsar air service flight will take off from Amritsar at 12 noon and reach Dehradun at 01-10 pm. Similarly, the flight from Dehradun will take off for Amritsar at 1-35 pm and will reach Amritsar at 2-45 pm.
Air service to Varanasi via Pantnagar is also starting from March 6. The passenger plane will take off from Dehradun for Pantnagar at 9-50 am and reach Pantnagar at 10-35 am. Similarly, a flight will take off from Pantnagar to Varanasi at 11-15 am and will land in Varanasi at 1 pm. The flight from Varanasi will take off for Pantnagar at 1.40 pm and will reach Pantnagar at 3-25 pm. The flight will take off from Pantnagar at 3-50 pm and reach Dehradun at 4-35 pm.
Chief Minister Dhami had been trying for a long time to start air services for all three places. Before the consecration of Shri Ram Temple in Ayodhya, he had personally requested and written a letter to Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia. The Chief Minister had said that currently there is no direct flight service available from Dehradun to Ayodhya. A large number of devotees from India and abroad are reaching Ayodhya to have the darshan of Shri Ram Lalla. With the start of air service from Ayodhya to Devbhoomi, devotees will also get convenience in traveling to Uttarakhand. Similarly, pilgrims visiting Devbhoomi will also be able to avail the benefit of this service.