Dehradun: The websites of major departments which were temporarily closed due to malware in Uttarakhand State Data Center have been made operational on Sunday. Main sites like Apni Sarkar, e-Office, e-Ravanna Portal, Chardham Registration have become operational again. Earlier, CM Helpline was made operational on Saturday. It is worth noting that on October 2, many important sites of Uttarakhand Government were temporarily closed due to malware in State Data Center. After returning to Dehradun from Rajasthan on Saturday, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami had an important meeting with NIC, ITDA, Police Department etc. The Chief Minister had given instructions for smooth operation of all the sites by Monday.
ITDA Director Nikita Khandelwal informed that all the major sites have been made operational in line with the instructions of the Chief Minister. He informed that on October 5, facilities like CM Helpline and State Portal were made operational and now all the services mainly Apni Sarkar, e-Office, e-Ravanna Portal, Chardham Registration have all been made operational. He informed that in this entire incident, no case of data loss came to the notice and all the data is safe. He informed that out of about 2034 calls in the CM Helpline in the last two days, 1879 have been registered back. In which people were called back and more than 600 complaints have been registered out of this.