Dehradun: Chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that the government is making all efforts to meet the expectations of the public. Addressing the media on the completion of the BJP State government’s two year in office on Friday, Dhami thanked the public for its support.
He said, “The then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee created Uttarakhand while PM Modi is nurturing the State. Uttarakhand is progressing at a brisk pace under PM Modi’s guidance. The reconstruction of Kedarnath and the Badrinath redevelopment masterplan are examples of the PM’s vision, leadership and commitment. He also laid the foundation for the Gaurikund-Kedarnath and Govindghat-Hemkund ropeway while the Surkanda Devi temple ropeway has been started. More than 56 lakh people undertook the Char Dham Yatra last year while more than four crore Kanwadiyas took Gangajal during the efficiently managed Kanwad Yatra. Moving ahead in the direction of cultural nationalism, work is being executed at a brisk pace on the ancient and important temples in Kumaon region under the Manaskhand Mandir Mala mission.”
Dhami further said that new tourism and film policies have been made in the State with provision for upto 100 per cent subsidy to encourage self-employment. The government is also planning to develop six aroma valleys while a decision has been taken to start mission cinnamon and mission Timru along with mission apple and mission kiwi. Referring to other tasks of the government, he said that 41 workers were successfully rescued from the Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkashi. The State succeeded in attracting considerable investment in the global investors summit 2023 with the signing of MoUs worth Rs 3.5 lakh crore. Grounding of agreements worth more than Rs 81,000 crore has been done so far, he said.
“We had promised the Uniform Civil Code to the people and the UCC bill was passed in the Vidhan Sabha and also approved by the President, making Uttarakhand the first State to implement it. Our government also passed a strict law to prevent religious conversion by force or inducement. This will now put a stop on those involved in religious conversion in the State with provision for upto 10 years imprisonment for those found guilty. The nation’s strictest anti-copying law was also brought to secure the future of youth. We also provided 30 per cent horizontal reservation for women in government jobs and also decided to provide 10 per cent horizontal reservation in government jobs to statehood activists and their dependents. Strict action is also being taken against encroachment on government land. A special campaign has been undertaken and the responsibility of officials has been fixed when it comes to such encroachments. The government has also decided that rioters will be made to pay for damage they cause to government and private property,” Dhami added.
BJP State president Mahendra Bhatt, election management committee convenor Naresh Bansal and other party leaders were also present on the occasion.