Haldwani: CM Dhami was on a tour today. Here CM Dhami set up several schemes in Kathgodam. CM Dhami set up the bus terminal in Kathgodam. Along with this, CM Dhami set up the development functions of Nainital district 778 crore. CM Dhami has given the saalor of two big sewerage schemes of Haldwani and Lakuan, including driving school, Naina Devi Temple Beauty, tubeless construction, Road Beauty and Lakuan at Gaulapar. During this time Union Minister of State and Nainital MP Ajay Bhatt also remained present in the event. During this time Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami also addressed the Jan Sabha in which he counted the Central and State Government schemes.
CM Dhami said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has immense love from Uttarakhand. On time to time, Prime Minister Modi keeps making plans to Uttarakhand. In the Haldwani tour, CM Dhami inaugurated 86 works which cost Rs 8931.59 lakhs (89.31 crore). At the same time, if it talked about the silanhythm, CM Dhami laid the foundation of 73 works which cost Rs 68883.07 lakhs (688.83 crore).
Thus total CM Dhami has a locations and laid down 159 works which cost 77,814.66 lakhs (778.14 crore). The state Ayurveda Hospital has been invited to Ayurvedic Hospital in the remote area like Kasiykrital, Navuchrital, Ashiral, Ashwala, Ashwala Madhya Pradesh will also easily receive the benefit of Ayurush Medical Method. Nalakup assembly Kaladhanga, Peepal Pokhara, Songaon, Assembly Lal well Hadagajjjar, Bajjya Haldu, Jaram, Halduchaur Jaram, Maldachhachaur etc. In the areas of Nalakoop, which created new irrigation capacity in 458 hectares and irrigation capacity in 164 hectares are being renovated from drinking water to around 5654 families from 68 schemes. The driving training school is being set up at a cost of Rs 2293.14 lakh in Gaula Rokhad area. This will provide a lot of facility in the Kumaon area. Bus terminal will be constructed at Kathgodam at the cost of Rs 6728 lakh. In the Terminal Kathgodam, 105 irrigation tubeops will be set up. In the Tapalukoop Red Kuan, 1956 lakh schemes will be constructed for the improvement and beauty of the internal routes of Nainital city. Under the Manas Section Temple Mama Mama Mama Mandir, the beauty and reform of the Naina Devi temple will be functioning.