Dehradun: IAS Dilip Jawalkar will be the new Home Secretary of Uttarakhand. The Election Commission has approved Jawalkar’s name from the panel of three names. IAS Dilip Jawalkar is looking after the responsibility of Secretary Finance. The charge was removed from Secretary Shailesh Bagoli on the instructions of the Commission.
The Election Commission had removed Uttarakhand Home Secretary Shailesh Bagoli in view of the Lok Sabha elections. After this, a proposal of three names for the new Home Secretary was sent to the Commission by the state panel. After which the Commission took the decision on the new Home Secretary. IAS officer Shailesh Bagoli was holding the responsibility of Secretary Home as well as Prisons and Secretary to the Chief Minister.
It is the responsibility of the Home Department to organize the security system in the state, but during the elections, the responsibility of the Home Department increases even more. It was told that one of the reasons for the removal of Home Secretary Shailesh Bagoli is that he is the Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. He is also the Secretary of. The Secretary to the Chief Minister or the Principal Secretary cannot hold any post in any general election which is directly related to the election process.