New Delhi : The Central government on Monday gave a one-year extension to Intelligence Bureau (IB) chief Tapan Kumar Deka, according to the Personnel Ministry order. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the extension in service of Deka as the Director, the Intelligence Bureau, for a period of one year beyond June 30, 2024.“The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the extension in service of Shri Tapan Kumar Deka, IPS (HP:88) as Director, Intelligence Bureau for a period of one year beyond 30.06.2024 or until further orders, whichever is earlier, in relaxation of the provisions of FR 56 (d) and Rule 16 (1A) of All India Services (Death cum Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958,” the order reads.’
Who is Tapan Kumar Deka?
Deka is known as the “crisis man” who was tasked with leading the counter-assaults during the 26/11 Mumbai attack. Before taking over as IB chief, he headed the operations wing of the IB, which had served for over two decades.
A 1988-batch Indian Police Service (IPS) officer from the Himachal Pradesh cadre, Deka is renowned for his expertise in operational matters, particularly in Kashmir and the Northeast.
He possesses extensive experience in dealing with terrorists and Islamic radicalisation within the country. Deka notably led operations against the terror group Indian Mujahideen, which orchestrated a series of bombings and subversive activities across India during the 2000s, causing widespread mayhem.
Deka, originally from Assam, was specifically sent by Union Home Minister Amit Shah to his home state to manage the tense situation following widespread violence that erupted in Assam after the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019.
- He has also been a key advisor for the government on matters concerning Jammu and Kashmir, leveraging his extensive experience in dealing with Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in the sensitive Union Territory.