Dehradun: On the instructions of Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, now illegal activities in the madrasas of the state are going to be investigated. For this, instructions have been given to constitute a committee under the chairmanship of the District Magistrate, which will submit its report within a month. In this, documents related to the madrasa including illegal funding and the children studying here will also be investigated.
The Dhami government has expressed its tough stand regarding madrasas in Uttarakhand. In this episode, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has instructed the officials to investigate the madrasas thoroughly. The big thing is that the Chief Minister has also asked to constitute a committee under the chairmanship of the District Magistrates of the districts in this matter. This committee will send its report to the government within a month. In which all aspects will be investigated through the committee.
The special thing is that the Chief Minister’s Office was constantly receiving complaints about many madrasas and information about many illegal activities was also being given in it. Taking cognizance of these things, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has ordered the officials to take strict action on this.
The committee under the chairmanship of the District Magistrate will collect information about the children studying in madrasas on one hand and children from outside the state will be specially investigated. Similarly, the committee will also investigate the matter related to illegal funding in the madrasa. Not only this, this committee will also investigate the land of the madrasa and all the documents related to it.
IG Law and Order Nilesh Anand Bharane said that as per the orders given by the Chief Minister, the verification work will be done and investigation will be done on various subjects by forming a committee.
Action on 30 madrasas of Haridwar
The District Minority Welfare Officer had received complaints about 30 madrasas in Haridwar district. After which an investigation was conducted. The investigation revealed that many of these madrasas were closed for a long time. The recognition of such madrasas will also be canceled. Cases of illegal activities and financial irregularities have also come to light in these madrasas.