New Delhi: In a concerning development, IPS officer Prem Prakash Meena’s popular YouTube channel, “Law Prem Prakash,” has been hacked by cyber criminals. Meena, who has garnered a substantial following of over 781,000 subscribers, shared the alarming news on his social media profile.
In a tweet posted earlier today, Meena wrote, “Kindly check my YouTube Channel ‘Law Prem Prakash’ having over 781K subscribers, hacked by cyber criminals. Access to Google and @YouTube lost.” The statement indicates that the hackers have gained control over the channel, and Meena has been unable to regain access through his Google and YouTube accounts.
The channel “Law Prem Prakash” is known for its informative content related to legal matters and law enforcement, which has attracted a large and engaged audience. The hacking incident has raised concerns among his followers and the online community about the security of digital platforms and the vulnerability of personal accounts.
Meena has urged his followers to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity related to his YouTube channel. As a public figure and law enforcement officer, he is likely to seek assistance from cybercrime experts to resolve the situation and restore his channel.