Kerala: 17 State Police Officials Were Promoted To The IPS

The government of Kerala recently promoted 17 state police service officials into the Indian Police Service (IPS).

The names of the promotee IPS officers are:

Mr. K K Markose, Mr. A Abdul Rashi, Mr. P C Sajeevan, Mr. V G Vinod Kumar, Mr. P A Mohammed Arif, Mr. A Shanawaz, Mr. S Deva Manohar, Mr. Mohamed Shafi K, Mr. B Krishna Kumar, Mr. K Salim, Mr. T K Subrahmannian, Mr. Mahesh Das, Mr. K K Moideenkutty, Mr. S R Jyothishkumar, Mr. V D Vijayan, Mr. P Vahid and Mr. Mohanachandran Nair M P. Of these, the first 12 are from the 2021 list, while the rest are from the 2022 select list. Apart from Officers Shafi, Krishnakumar, Subramanian, Moideenkutty and Vahid, the rest have already retired but will be reinstated and allowed to serve until they turn 60. The promoted officers will remain on probation for one year and undergo induction training.

Some other controversial officers, whose names were mentioned in the short-list, were scraped off as they either had criminal or disciplinary proceedings pending against them.

The promoted officers will remain on probation for one year and undergo induction training