New Delhi: The second phase of voting took place today on 88 Lok Sabha seats in 13 states and union territories of the country. Along with this, voting also took place in the remaining areas of Outer Manipur Lok Sabha constituency. Today, all 20 seats in Kerala, 14 in Karnataka, 13 in Rajasthan, 8 each in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, 6 in Madhya Pradesh, 5 each in Assam and Bihar, 3 each in West Bengal and Chhattisgarh, 1 each in Tripura , and voting took place on both the Lok Sabha seats of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Election Commission appeared fully prepared for the second phase of voting in the 18th Lok Sabha elections to be held today on 88 seats in 14 states and union territories. For this, security and other arrangements were made carefully. 1 lakh 67 thousand polling stations were made for a total of 16 crore voters. Let us tell you that in the first phase, voting was held on 102 seats on April 19. Voting is to be held in the seventh and final phase on June 1. The results of the Lok Sabha elections will come after the counting of votes on June 4.
This much voting took place in 13 states till 5 o’clock
Assam 70.66
Bihar 53.03
Chhattisgarh 67.22
Jammu and Kashmir 67.22
Karnataka 63.90
Kerala 63.90
Madhya Pradesh 54.58
Maharashtra 53.51
Manipur 76.06
Rajasthan 59.19
Tripura 76.23
Uttar Pradesh 52.64
West Bengal 71.84