New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his monthly radio programme, Mann Ki Baat, said that the Constitution was inspired by the rule of Lord Ram. He said, “The Constitution of India is made after such intense brainstorming, that it is called a ‘Living Document’. In the third chapter of the original copy of the constitution, the fundamental rights of the citizens of Bharat have been described. It is very interesting that at the beginning of the third chapter, the makers of the constitution had given a place to images of Lord Ram, Mata Sita, and Lakshman ji. The governance of Lord Ram was also a source of inspiration for constitution makers”, he added.
Several Bharatiya Janata Party leaders, including national party president JP Nadda, MP Ravi Shankar Prasad and Union MoS Nityanand Rai. This is the first ‘Mann Ki Baat’ of the year, during which he said that 2024 marks 75 years of the Constitution and the Supreme Court.
He further said that was pleased to know that the entire country lit ‘Ram Jyoti’ on January 22 and celebrated the day just like Diwali. PM Modi mentioned that many people honoured with Padma awards are those who worked at grassroots and away from limelight to make big changes.