Mumbai : In a significant bureaucratic reshuffling ahead of the Lok Sabha polls, the Maharashtra government has announced the transfer of seven IAS officers in the Pune division. The transfer order, dated February 5, 2024, includes the movement of Divisional Commissioner Saurabh Rao to a key position in the Cooperation and Registrar’s office in Pune.
Saurabh Rao (IAS:MH:2003), previously serving as the Divisional Commissioner, Pune Division, has been appointed as Commissioner, Co-Operation and Registrar, Co-Operative Societies, Pune. Taking over Rao’s previous position, Dr. Chandrakant Pulkundwar, a seasoned officer from the 2008 batch, has been named the new Divisional Commissioner of Pune. Dr. Pulkundwar brings extensive experience from his previous roles, including Sugar Commissioner and Commissioner of Nashik Municipal Corporation.
The reshuffle also sees Anil M. Kawade (IAS:MH:2003), the outgoing Commissioner of Co-Operation and Registrar, Co-Operative Societies, moving to the role of Commissioner, Sugar, Pune. Other notable transfers include Anil Patil (IAS:MH:2012), from CEO, Zilla Parishad, Gondia, to Managing Director, Haffkine Bio-Pharma Corporation, Mumbai, and D.K.Khillari (IAS:MH:2013), from CEO, Zilla Parishad, Satara, to Director, Other Backward Bahujan Kalyan, Pune.
Further, the transfer list includes Rahul Gupta (IAS:MH:2017) and Muruganantham M (IAS:MH:2020), appointed as Joint Managing Director, MAHADISCOM, Chatrapatti Sambhaji Nagar, and CEO, Zilla Parishad, Gondia, respectively. Yashni Nagarajan (IAS:MH:2020) has been moved to CEO, Zilla Parishad, Satara.
This round of transfers is part of the government’s preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, ensuring that key positions are held by officials with the necessary experience and expertise to maintain governance standards during this critical period.