New Delhi: PM Modi noted, “It is the time for General Elections in the country Like earlier, possibly the model code of conduct will be enforced in the month of March. Mann ki Baat won’t be broadcast for the next three months in view of upcoming Lok Sabha polls.”
PM Modi mentioned the likelihood of the Model Code of Conduct being implemented in March, similar to its enforcement during previous elections. This remark alluded to the anticipated announcement of the election schedule expected sometime next month.
“It is a big success of the programme that it has been kept away even from the shadow of the government during its 110 episodes,” he said, asserting that the broadcast has been dedicated to the country’s collective strength and achievements.
“It is a programme of the people, for the people and by the people,” the prime minister said.
“When we meet the next time, it will be the 111th episode of Mann Ki Baat,” Modi added, noting the auspiciousness associated with the number. “What can be better than this,” he said.
It is to be noted that the programme was deferred before the 2019 general elections as well.
Sharing this month's #MannKiBaat… Do listen!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 25, 2024
PM Modi further appealed to first-time voters to exercise their franchise in record numbers. “Indian youths doing great in content creation, be it related to tourism, social causes or public participation,” PM Modi added.
Modi further stressed the beauty of our nation lies in its diversity and culture’s different colours. “I am delighted to see many people selflessly working in order to preserve and enrich our culture. You will find such people working in every part of the country. Many of them are working in the areas of linguistics,” he noted.
He noted that the Indian youths doing great in content creation, be it related to tourism, social causes or public participation. PM Modi further hailed the women’s empowerment and said that ‘Nari Shakti’ is progressing in every section of life. Mann Ki Baat has evolved into a significant platform that empowers and fosters unity among the people.